Monday, May 18, 2015

Rhubarb I have found!!! YUmm

Soo in my garden.....Hahaa in my (someone planted a garden but I live here now!!) I found Rhubarb.
So lets so what I can do with this ???????

First try is from 

Rhubarb Crunch
First step........
I looked up the best way to start to with fresh rhubarb on Wiki.
I choose to let my diced rhubarb sit in sugar for 2-3hrs.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Difference between boys and girls in homeschooling


    So My daughter Danae loves homeschooling. She is involved and a perfectionist. She does her work no matter if I am not riding her to do her work. She SUPER responsible.
Here she is making brownies with her great grandma. 2 generation difference. Grandma didn't have any girls of her own so these moments are really special to her. At almost 80 years old imagine the knowledge Danae can learn from her. I have learned that, at least my daughter is very easy to teach at home. She goes along with everything I suggest but also so questions why we are doing a project or what ever we are working on at the moment.
   So then there are the boys!!!!!!
They are the exact opposite. So with them I have to approach very differently. With them I bribe with what ever they are into that week. Now I'm not saying that they are bad, they just like to do as least as possible. So getting them to do extra or to redo things is hard, Especially paragraphs and stories. Creative writing is hard .. so I try to use things they are interested in like Mine craft or Terreria. I wish I didn't have to bribe but hey what ever works right.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wapato Park ...


1st we got to see my step son. He is in foster care right now but we are in the process of getting custody of him. 
Then my patients left me!!! When we all got home to teach the kids went out the window. They just flat out refused to do what I asked mind you I have 4 kids homeschool.. so when one loses intrest they all do...

Another Blow out over a pinecone
My youngest having a blow out

Again and I don't remember what this one was for

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A little about our crazy happy love life

Having a family picnic at Point Defience. It was so nice the weather AWESOME!!! Unless u were in the shade. So our family is a mix of cultures and ethinic background and blood. 

left to right: Lazarus 4, Danae 10, Mike, Me, Daniel 11, Dasan 7 
  We currently live in Montana were we own 5 acres. I home school the kids which is full time
 and Mike is a General Contractor. I am Native American Black feet, Irish, English, Hatian + My Husband is Native American Rougue River and German. My 1st 3kids are Native American California Tribes + Irish. My husbands kids are Native American and Black+German and Native American. !!!!!! WOW I actually put all that together. haha..
TO TOP THAT ALL OFF: we are HEBREW ... what that means is that our Religion is one of Hebrew Jesus(Yeshua) And we follow Torah!!
What a bunch. CRAZY HAPPY LOVE!!!


My husband with 4 of the 6 we have. Lazarus the youngest is the unity
baby that ties all of us together.

Dasan 7

Lazarus 4

Daniel and Danae
My 3 eldest are from my ex. My husband and I married almost 6 years ago and at the time my youngest was 1 year old.
My loving husband Mike has two children from a previous relationship they are 13 and 9 we are fighting for custody right now, which is why we are in Washington State.

Danae 10
My handsome bearded Native Jew
My husband and Me

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ruston Way Point Defiance Pagoda

Point Defiance Nature Walk
Heading down to Ruston Way is another awesome fun thing to do while in Puget Sound Area.

 Point Defiance Park's The Pangoda
Pagoda History: Inspired by Japanese architecture when it was built in 1914, the Pagoda is the focal point of Point Defiance Park's Japanese Garden. It was originally a waiting room for streetcars. Now this magnificent structure functions as a rental facility for weddings and other private parties as well as a venue for garden shows, lectures and concerts. Gardens surrounding the Pagoda feature pools, a waterfall, a picturesque footbridge, cherry trees, azaleas, and more

My only daughter Danae posing next to white Japanese  flowers.

Refrence to

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mosaic Art for kids

Mosaic art are murals typically made with small, squared shaped glass or stone pieces.


The pieces are arranged together side by side, some people separate the colors but I like to have them all in a bowl together. Its more interesting to pull out different  colors  all at once.
  So we ripped pieces of paper to represent the stones are glass. 
I made them draw a picture first to know where they are sticking there colored pieces. 

Then they glued and done! 
fast and easy and cheap

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nature Walk with your kids

Nature Walk for Home schoolers.

So our family is currently in Wa right now for family business and what better way to take advantage of the North West then to take nature walks.
 1st we saw a nice dead tree with lots living inside the trunk.
So then naturally the kids wanted to know  why it was still standing being dead and what a nurse log does.
I love how they just take control of their learning.

Turkey tail Mushroom
 Then we found real cool mushrooms. Which is always educational. This is a Turkey Tail Mushroom.
 Conocybe Mushrooms are native to the North West.
This mushroom is a very poisonous mushroom only found in the north west.
Conocybe Mushroom
 We of course didn't touch ANY of the mushrooms. This one is very pretty in person too. Which makes me worry about when this pops up in peoples yard.

The Barren Owl. Very awesome ..
He just sat there and watched us
This guy hunts at night and just sits and watches  during the day.